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Taryn Mattern

12 Foods to Help Hormone Imbalance That You Need to Start Eating Today

Are you struggling with gut and hormone imbalances, impacting your day to day life? Your anxiety is off the wall, making you overthink everything. You lie awake at night tossing and turning. Your skin is breaking out like a teenager! What the heck?? If this sounds familiar, I’m here to tell you that you can rebalance your hormones simply by adjusting your diet.

Food can truly “be thy medicine”, especially when it comes to balancing your hormones naturally. So today I’m sharing 12 foods to help hormone imbalance that you can start incorporating into your meals asap. 

But first, I want to touch on WHY you should focus on FOODS over PILLS…

The Conventional Approach to Hormone Balance: Why It’s NOT the Way to Go

In our quick-fix society, it's tempting to reach for instant solutions. How many times have we found ourselves grabbing an over-the-counter med or even resorting to the birth control pill to 'fix' or 'balance' our hormones? We don’t even think twice about eating foods to help hormone imbalance… just pills.

But when it comes to our hormonal health, these conventional methods just don't measure up. Our bodies aren't machines that can be "fixed" with a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Medications like the birth control pill often merely mask symptoms, acting as a band-aid rather than addressing the root of the issue. Your body needs consistent care, love, and nourishment. It's time to appreciate that our health is a journey, and our bodies need ongoing care to truly thrive. 

How Food Can Be Thy Medicine

The foods you eat everyday can greatly affect our hormonal balance. You can start to add foods to help hormone imbalance by choosing foods rich in nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, to help your body produce and regulate hormones more effectively. Nutrient-rich foods provide the essential components your body needs to make hormones and to ensure they're functioning correctly.

No matter what hormone imbalance you are dealing with on a cellular level, eating WHOLE foods over processed foods will help significantly but keep reading to learn a bit more of the specifics.

By making careful food choices, you can influence your hormonal balance and, ultimately, your overall health and wellbeing!

12 Foods To Help Hormone Imbalance

Here's the part you've been waiting for. The nitty-gritty. The list of 12 foods to help hormone imbalance.

1. Broccoli

This cruciferous vegetable is packed with compounds known as indoles and sulforaphane, which aid in estrogen balance. These compounds help in the metabolism of estrogen in the liver, reducing the overall estrogen levels in the body (this helps prevent and address estrogen dominance, where estrogen levels are elevated in ratio to progesterone). Try incorporating broccoli in your diet by adding it to your salads, stir-frys, or even as a side dish to your main meal.

2. Salmon

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon supports overall hormonal balance. Omega-3s are essential fats that your body needs but cannot produce. These fats help in the production of hormones, reduce inflammation, and can even help lower the risk of heart disease. Aim to consume more servings of fatty fish like salmon per week.

3. Turmeric

This spice has anti-inflammatory properties due to its active ingredient, curcumin, which can help your hormones function optimally. Curcumin can help maintain the balance of thyroid hormones, insulin, and sex hormones. Add turmeric to your morning smoothie or your evening cup of milk for a hormone-boosting drink. *Nutritionist expert tip. Add in some black pepper to help boost the absorption of the curcumin!

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine of the essential amino acids, which are crucial for hormone production. For example, the amino acid tryptophan is essential in the production of the 'feel good' hormone serotonin. Substitute your usual rice or pasta with quinoa for a protein-packed meal. 

5. Almonds

These nuts are full of vitamin E, which is beneficial for hormonal balance. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage and helping in the regulation of hormone synthesis. Snack on a handful of almonds daily or add them to your salads or smoothies.

6. Avocado

Avocados are rich in healthy fats, which are necessary for hormone production. They also contain plant sterols which help to balance estrogen levels. Include avocados in your diet by adding them to your salads, sandwiches, or making a delicious guacamole (cilantro, cumin, and lemon juice are the secret ingredients to a great guac).

7. Spinach

This leafy green is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals that support hormone health. It's rich in magnesium, a crucial mineral for hormone balance and overall cellular function. Add spinach to your salads, soups, or smoothies to increase your magnesium intake.

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, important for hormonal balance. These small but mighty seeds also help regulate blood sugar levels, preventing spikes in insulin. Sprinkle some chia seeds on your breakfast bowl, smoothie, or yogurt.

9. Blueberries

These fruits are full of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells and maintain hormonal balance. They also contain a flavonoid called quercetin, which can help regulate estrogen metabolism. Snack on blueberries or add them to your morning oatmeal or smoothie.

10. Greek Yogurt

It's full of probiotics, which can help support a healthy gut and hormone balance. A healthy gut is vital for hormone regulation as it aids in the production and detoxification of hormones. Enjoy Greek yogurt as a snack with some honey and nuts or use it as a base for your smoothie. Be sure to avoid the flavored ones with lots of added sugars.

11. Flaxseeds

These seeds are a fantastic source of phytoestrogens, which can help balance estrogen levels in the body. They also contain lignans, compounds that have an antioxidant effect. Add ground flaxseeds to your smoothies, yogurt, or baked goods for a hormone-balancing boost.

12. Eggs

Eggs are packed with vitamins and proteins that aid in hormone production. They are rich in choline, a nutrient that aids in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Have eggs for breakfast a few times a week, either boiled, poached, or in an omelet. Be sure to choose organic pasture-raised to reap the most benefits!

Ready to take the next step toward hormone balance and overall wellness? I'm here to help! As a functional nutritionist for women, my approach is all about using food as medicine and tailoring a plan specifically to your body's needs.

I don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions. We go beyond just foods to help hormone imbalance. We use functional lab testing to look at your gut health, hormones, mineral levels and more! Apply for functional nutrition coaching today, and let's get your hormones—and your life—back on track so you can live your life to the absolute fullest!


A tablet showing the cover to 5 Strategies to Boost Your Energy Today guide from Taryn Mattern, functional nutritionist, in a cozy scene with a plant and cup of coffee

5 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Energy

Try these simple and proven quick-win tactics to end your fatigue and start feeling like yourself again. 


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